Sunday, 24 February 2013

Shaping Up

One of my favourite activities to do with my students is my shapes theme.  And in particular my shape imagination pictures.

We have a focus shape each week of Term 1 (starting in about Week 2 or 3) and it gets incidental teaching throughout the week.  We do all the usual, look for shapes around the class and outside, trace shapes, draw shapes in the air with our fingers, read books about shapes and so on.

My favourite shape book is Mouse Shapes by Ellen Stoll Walsh.  It is always my first go to shape book to read because it introduces the students to my imagination pictures.

Sometimes I find Kindy is all too much about producing something that looks the same or similar to all the others so when I come up with an open ended activity like this, it becomes a firm favourite and I've used it for about 6 years now.

For each shape we do, for example circles, we put out small, medium and large circles in different colours and ask the students to make a picture, just like the mice do in the story, but with only one shape.

This week we started our shapes and looked at circles.  Here's the results and they only get better as we move through the term!

Aren't they great?  I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with next week with squares.